Tony and Pals is here to provide you with as much information as possible about the local concert scene. It consists of reviews, photos, show listings, many links and the latest news. It also contains pages about the authors of this page in the contributors section.

Tony does all the web designing and programming of the website, if you find something wrong with it tell him. Tony also takes 95% of the Photos and writes about half of the Reviews.

Chad writes reviews when he isn't skateboarding or driving hundreds of miles a day in his car.

Aaron writes a review once in a decade and takes a picture or two here and there, this is of course when he is not porn surfing.

Brad had written some key reviews, and his girlfriends Nora has taken some stelar pictures.

Amy has taken some great photos and goes to a heck of a lot of shows.

Anything you see here is not yours, don't add it to your site without emailing me first at Tony.

Hits Since We Moved